Registration fee

The workshop registration fee is 200 CHF. This includes a welcome reception on Sunday 9th October, the workshop dinner on Tuesday 11th October and a CD-ROM with all the material presented. Additional workshop dinner tickets can be purchased at a price of 80 CHF each.


Methods of payment

Payments in Swiss Francs (CHF) can be made

1            Cash at the workshop registration desk  Registration will be open:

                - 18:30 to 20:00 on Sunday 9 October (during the cocktail drink)

                - 8:15 to 8:45 on Monday 10 October

                - 8:15 to 8:30 on Tuesday 11 October.

        An information desk will be open during the whole workshop duration.

2            By bank transfer through IBAN/SWIFT codes onto the following Geneva UBS bank account       

       - Bank account number               0240-FP100541.3

       - IBAN:                                     CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3

       - SWIFT:                                   UBSWCHZH80A

       - Bank name:                              UBS SA. GENEVE

       - Beneficiary / Account holder:    CERN-CONFERENCES

       - Reason:                                    LLRF05 conference/ T371805

       - Currency to be sent:                Swiss francs (CHF)

       Please, make sure that:

         -         you mention your name.

         -     you mention the conference name (LLRF05) or the conference code T371805.

         -         all transfer fees and charges are debited to sender, NOT TO BENEFICIARY.